Our Collection
Each stool is designed based off of two separate concepts joined together: Majestic Beasts, and Metamorphosis Emphasis. In conclusion: we wanted to create a stool that appeared almost visually moving, due to the cabriole design of the legs. The organic movement of the legs, and the way the tops of the stools fit in a tessellation pattern, provokes our concepts idea of a sterile objects power to appear alive! We took inspiration from the feet of animals, leaf patterns, and of course, the cabriole design. Each stool was done by one person, and each stool leg on the perspective stools, were hand sanded and carved. We wanted it to be individualistic but also complete our project as a group in the end. Enjoy!

1. INSPIRATION: Tessellation, and Leaf Patterns 2. CNC

3. Glue and carve legs 4. Assemble, sand, polish

5. Clamp and wait!

The Dream Team!

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